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This Week


St. Michael's Lunch - 5th grade

Wednesday, 10/3

Bike + Walk to School Day

Thursday 10/4

Hot Lunch - Hoda's Burgers

2:00 pm School Mass
All Are Welcome!

2:30 pm Blessing of the Animals


6:45 pm Kindergarten Home Mass


Tuesday, 10/9

6:30 pm Called to Protect Training in the Parish Hall

Friday, 10/12


Thursday, 10/18

6:45 pm Parents Club Mtg.

7:00 pm SAC Mtg.

Wednesday, 10/25


Thursday, 10/26


Friday, 10/27



For more upcoming events, see our school calendar.

Footnotes Archive

> 9.14.12
> 9.21.12

• Friday, September 28, 2012

Note from Susan

Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope you are getting used to and enjoying the new format of our Friday Footnotes. They really look quite professional thanks to Fontaine Roberson, our Development Coordinator, who puts them together each week. I do appreciate the fact that they don’t take up much memory in my email inbox and even I, (the technophobe that I am) can maneuver between the links. Now if I could just remember my Apple ID, password, and how to get to the app store. Seriously, when I first heard about the “app store” I asked my daughter if there was one at Washington Square.
While all of this electronic correspondence has had a great impact on our society, there are times when face-to-face dialogue is the best way to communicate, especially concerning our children. That is why we still set aside three days for Parent-Teacher Conferences, scheduled for October 24th, 25th and 26th. If you did not get a chance to sign up for a 20 minute conference at Back To School Night, please make it a priority this week. Sign-up sheets are on the table outside the school office. We would be happy to help those parents who are not on campus during school hours. Just call the school office and we can make it happen. Your primary conference is with your child’s homeroom teacher, but you may schedule conferences with our “specials” teachers (art, music, PE, library, resource room, etc) if you wish. Signup sheets are available for them, too.
It promises to be a great weekend with sunny, dry weather. Enjoy and check out the Footnotes at www.themadeleine.edu/footnotes.

Susan Steele, Principal

New Regular Mass Schedules Announced

Dear Friends,
Thank you for your feedback regarding our permanent weekend Mass schedule, which will begin the weekend of Oct. 6-7. Taking to heart your input, and in collaboration with the Liturgical Commission and Pastoral Council, I’ve decided the following Mass schedule is best for our parish family:

...click here to read the rest of the letter from Fr. Mike

Family Auction Donations Due Monday, 10/1

Monday, Oct. 1, is the deadline for your family donations. If you still need a donation idea, check out the auction wishlist, or email the auction chairs at auction@themadeleine.edu. And be sure to follow the latest auction news on the Madeleine Auction Facebook page.

Mandatory Training for Parent Volunteers

All parents who want to volunteer at school must attend a Called to Protect training class and view the online training videos. To log-in, follow these instructions:

  1. Your log in is your first initial and last name. (e.g., John Doe's log in is "jdoe")
  2. Your password is your birth date, month and day, and the letters “OR” for Oregon. For example, if your birthday is November 4, your password is "1104OR." If you live in Washington, use "WA" instead of "OR."
  3. 3. On the next screen, choose the online course you wish to view by scrolling down the left side.
  4. 4.Click on it and the program will begin. Your viewing will be automatically recorded in the database.

We will hold a Called to Protect training in the Parish Hall on Tuesday, Oct. 9th at 6:30 pm. For those of you who have attended the training previously, you just need to complete your online training on the Armatus website. For more information, please call the school office or read the Called to Protect flyer from the Archdiocese.

Fall Teacher Wish Lists

Be an Angel Among Us and consider funding or finding a gift from the Fall Teacher Wish Lists. These are items not in the budget, but would enhance the classroom. Thanks to the many angels during the 2011-2012 school year, donations to the teachers' wish lists provided hundreds of dollars in classroom supplies! Contact Lynn Robinson, Development Director, lrobinson@themadeleine.edu with any questions.

Wednesday, Oct. 3, is Bike + Walk to School Day

The forecast looks good, so get on those bikes and don’t forget to lock up!

Blessing of Our Pets, Thursday, 10/4

On Thursday, October 4, 2012, The Madeleine School will celebrate the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. Bring your pet(s) or a picture of your pet(s) for a blessing! We will gather at the turn-around driveway (in between the rectory and the gym entrance) at the end of mass, around 2:45.

To ensure the safety of everyone gathered, as well as the safety of everyone’s pets, dogs need to be on leashes and other pets should be brought using appropriate means (cages, travel carriers etc.). Dogs that do not enjoy the company of other dogs should be left at home.

YDP Sign-Up for In-Service and Conference Days

Sign-up is now open for YDP child care on upcoming Teacher In-Service and Conference Days. Download the registration form and return it to the office with your payment to reserve your child's spot.

Hosts needed for 6th Grade Class Home Mass

The 6th Grade Home Mass is scheduled for Friday, April 12th. If you are a 6th Grade parent and would like to host the Mass in your home, please email Jackie Dooris at jdooris1@comcast.net or call 503-380-1815. Thank you!

Counselor's Column

Look for Mrs. Ullman's weekly articles on topics that will help The Madeleine community support each other as we work together for the growth and development of our students. This week's topic: "What About I-Messages?"


Sixth Graders Deliver 64 St. Michael's Lunches

The sixth grade brought in 64 lunches today. We also delivered prescription bottles, fresh fruits and 6 boxes of Schwartz Bros. bakery goodies! Please remember to label all lunch bags with the type of meat sandwich you have made. It also helps to label the grocery bag with the amount of sandwiches you are delivering. Please note: You can now bring in frozen vegetables and dried beans to help with the fall soup season. NO CANNED GOODS please.

CYO Swimming Registration Now Open

All swimmers, now's your time! CYO Swimming registration is open. At The Madeline, we join with All Saints, Archbishop Howard and other area parishes to create one of the best CYO teams in the area. This is a great way to ease into competitive swimming, improve your swimming strength or just gain fitness. You need not be a competitive swimmer to start...just love the water and be willing to learn! Swimmers are grouped into three age/grade groups; we practice twice per week (Sunday and Wedensday evenings), starting Sunday, October 7. Five regular meets throughout the November and December, plus Championships and All Stars in January. Click here to sign up on the CYO registration website

St. Mary’s Academy Open House

What: St. Mary’s Academy’s Open House, a chance for prospective students and their families to tour the school, meet current students and faculty members and learn why St. Mary’s is a place where every girl can shine.
When: 1-4 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 14.
Where: St. Mary’s Academy, 1615 S.W. Fifth Ave., Portland.
Information: www.stmaryspdx.org, 503-721-7725.

Sacramental Prep for First Reconciliation and First Communion

Sacramental Prep for First Reconciliation and First Communion is in session. If you have a second grader, or an older child, who has not received these important sacraments, contact Tina Hanselman, our Director of Faith Formation. Classes are Sundays after 9:00 am Mass.

RCIA Sessions

For those interested in exploring the Catholic Faith, it is not too late to come to the RCIA sessions on Thursdays at 7:15 pm, in the Fireside Room. There will be no Sunday sessions in October. Contact Sr. Sharon Collver at 503-289-7417 for information.

Blood Drive at The Madeleine

The Madeleine will be hosting an ecumenical blood drive in the Parish Hall on Tuesday, October 2 between 3:00 pm and 8:00 pm. If you can donate, please call Neil Davidson, drive coordinator, at 503-288-3627 to schedule a time that’s convenient for you. Nationwide, the American Red Cross is down 10% in inventory available for hospitals because hundreds of drives had to be cancelled due to Hurricane Isaac. If you can help out, please call!

Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace Course Offered at The Madeleine

Wick and Karoline Ashley (parents of 2nd grader and kindergartner) are offering Dave Ramsey's FPU course again this year. It is a newly-designed 9 week course offered October 9th - December 11th (no class Thanksgiving week) on Tuesdays from 6:30-8:30 pm at the Madeleine School Library. This is an AWESOME class taught by Dave Ramsey through instructional videos and facilitated by US! You get CDs, a workbook, and more. Taught in a group setting - great for all seasons of life. Many Madeleine families have benefited by this life changing course. Ask us and we will connect you with graduates. You will learn how to talk to your spouse about money, plan for the future, and get out of debt! Dave is a world recognized leader in helping you live like no one else. We would love to see you there! Class cost: $89.00 which covers all your materials. We volunteer our time to teach this class. Sign up here.

Request for bids:
school faculty lounge remodel

The Madeleine School is seeking bids for a 780 square-foot remodel of the existing teacher’s lounge. Work to include a new teacher’s lounge, handicap-accessible toilet room, office and workroom. HVAC work includes a new rooftop unit and extension of existing exterior fin pipe, as well as related plumbing. Contractors must meet Archdiocesan requirements and have experience in remodels of this size and scope

Work is scheduled to start June 2013. Drawings, specifications and insurance requirements are available online at www.themadeleine.edu/bids. Contact Tom Johnston, Business Manager, for further detaisl at 503-281-5777 ext 14. Bids are due by Friday, October 19 by 1:00 pm to Tom Johnston.


If you have information to contribute to the Friday Footnotes, please email the copy exactly as you would like it to appear in a Word document to: fridayfootnotes@themadeleine.edu. Deadline is Wednesday evenings, or Tuesday evening if there is no school on Friday.