Megan Callahan

Steve Holmes


The Madeleine Haitian Project Garage Sale

A note from Steve Holmes and Megan Callahan


Dear workers and friends of our Madeleine Garage Sale,

 Like many of you, I have missed the camaraderie of our community effort this year to bring our annual Haitian Project Garage Sale to another successful conclusion. Of course, the work can be challenging, but we work with the help of God’s grace and raise important funds for the work of The Haitian Project in support of the students at Louverture Cleary School. In addition, we pray for the work of The Haitian Project as plans continue for its expansion of a network of schools across Haiti.

I hope you have received the recent email from me with the attached letter from Reese Grondin, President of The Haitian Project. I have an exciting addendum to her letter and an opportunity that I want to share. Through the generosity of local donors, we have been challenged to raise the sum of $2,500 by raising a matching amount. I ask you to help us in this effort to raise this matching sum or even surpass it. 

In lieu of a year’s preparation, two weeks of tireless work, countless tasks, and cleanup, we ask that you consider a monetary contribution for your labor. Any contribution amount would be appreciated, but a contribution of $100 or $250 or more (i.e., cost of a few restaurant dinners that we have not had) would help us defray some of the loss of our normal $25,000+ contribution from the proceeds of our annual garage sale.

You can make a donation online here or by sending a check to the following:


The Haitian Project
P.O. Box 6891
Providence, RI 02940


Please note on the check memo line “Madeleine Parish Garage Sale Contribution”.


Thank you so much for your consideration of this opportunity, and especially too for all the years of work and dedication that you have given. Hopefully, we will all be able to return together next year.


Any questions, please call 503-706-7937.



Steve Holmes, Megan Callahan


haitian project letter