Easter Sunday, April 3 & 4
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Preparation: Prepare table with Easter candle, flowers, white cloth, Bible
The candle will be lit during prayer. Choose a special candle that you light for prayer during the Easter season.
Opening Song
O God, You make this most sacred day radiant with the light of the Risen Jesus. Bless us and fill us with the Joy and Peace of this Easter Day. May our Love for one another heal and renew all that needs newness in our country and world. We offer this prayer through Jesus and in Your
Loving Spirit. Amen.
Lighting of Easter Candle
Teacher/Parent Reader: Christ yesterday and today; the Beginning and the End; the Alpha; and the Omega.
All time belongs to Him and all the ages.
To Him e be glory and power; through every age and for ever. Amen.
May the light of Christ rising in glory dispel the darkness of our hearts and minds.
As the candle is lit reader says: LIGHT OF CHRIST!
Pause for a few moments of silence.
Remembrance of our Baptism and renewal of Baptismal Promises
If possible, bless self with Holy Water, otherwise make sign of cross.
Teacher/Parent reader: Through the Paschal Mystery we have been buried with Christ in Baptism. May we walk with Jesus in newness of life. Let us renew our Baptism promises:
Say together:
I believe in God, Father, Mother, Creator.
I believe in Jesus, born of Mary, who suffered, died, and rose from the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit.
I believe in the Catholic Church and our Catholic Community of The Madeleine.
I believe in the communion of saints.
I believe God forgives our sins and keeps us in grace.
I believe in the Risen Jesus and eternal life. Amen.
Gospel Reading Mark 16
Reader: When Jesus had risen, early on the first day of the week, He appeared first to Mary Magdalene.
She went and told Jesus’ companions who were mourning and weeping. At first they did not believe her. Later Jesus appeared to the eleven at table.
Closing Prayer
Share intentions for which you want to thank God today.
Pray the Hail Mary.
Good Friday, April 2
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The prayer service below follows the outline of the Church’s celebration of the Lord’s Passion. It is planned with the idea that children can grow in understanding and participate in a meaningful way.
If this prayer/ritual seems long, perhaps you could divide it to be prayed at 2 different times.
Part 1: through Gospel reading Part 2: Intercessions and adoration of the Cross.
Part One
- If you have a crucifix place it on the table you have been using for your prayer this week.
Place it on a pillow with votive lights, candles around it. If you do not have a crucifix, you could make a simple one by finding 2 twigs and tying them in the form of a cross.
- Choose readers.
Opening Prayer:
Leader: Jesus, Your love for us is so great. Be with us as we remember the first Good Friday. Gift our family and world with your peace. We love You and say yes to being your followers in our 2021 world. Gift us with the wisdom of Your Spirit. Amen.
First Reading:
Reader: This reading is from the prophet, Isaiah:
Our Savior will be harshly treated. He will accept His suffering and remain silent. He will be taken away and condemned, taken away from the land of the living. Because of His suffering
He will see the light of day and the will of God will be accomplished by him. Our sins will be forgiven and our guilt taken away.
The word of the Lord.
ALL: Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm
RESPONSE: Leader: Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.
ALL: Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.
Leader: In You, O lord, I take refuge. Rescue me. (all repeat response)
Leader: For my enemies I am an object of disgrace. I am a laughing stock to my neighbors. I am forgotten like one dead.
Leader: But my trust is in You, O Lord. I say You are My God.
Second Reading:
This reading is from St. Paul’s letter to the Hebrews:
Brothers and sisters, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast to our faith. Jesus is able to sympathize with us in our weakness, because He, too was tested in every way, yet without sin. Let us confidently approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and find grace.
Gospel Reading:
A reading from the Holy Gospel according to John:
They took Jesus, and, carrying the cross Himself, He went out to Golgotha. There they crucified Him and with Him two others, one on either side, with Jesus in the middle. Standing by the cross of Jesus were His mother, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary of Magdala. When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom He loved He said to his mother, “Woman, behold your Son.” Then He said to His disciple, “Behold Your Mother.” From that hour he took her into his home.
Jesus said, “I thirst”. So they put a sponge soaked in wine and put it up to his mouth. When Jesus had taken the wine, he said, “It is finished.” And bowing his head eh handed over His spirit.
The Gospel of the Lord.
ALL: Praise to You Lord Jesus Christ.
Part Two
(Family members could take turns reading these.)
- Let us pray for our holy Church of God. . .
ALL: Almighty God, heal her, guard her, unite her in your peace.
- Let us pray for Pope Francis . . .
ALL: Almighty God, protect Pope Francis, keep him well and safe. Gift him with peace.
- Let us pray for our Bishop, Archbishop Sample, for all Bishops, Priests, and Deacons of the Church. We pray for all faithful people.
ALL: Almighty God, help us to remember Your love for us.
- Let us pray for those seeking membership in our Church, especially in our parish for: Alex Hows and Olivia Farnsworth.
ALL: Almighty God, gift them with Your peace and deepening faith as they await the day when they will join our Madeleine parish community.
- Let us pray for all our brothers and sisters who believe in Christ . . .
ALL: Almighty God, look kindly on those whom one Baptism has consecrated and join us together in Your Spirit of love.
- Let us pray for the Jewish people. May God grant them to advance in love of his name and in faithfulness to his covenant . . .
ALL: Almighty every-living God may the people You first made your own, attain the fullness of the life You have promised.
- Let us pray for those who do not believe in Christ . . .
ALL: Almighty God, grant that those who do not know Jesus, but walk before you with a sincere, loving heart, may be welcomed by the love and goodness we share.
- Let us pray for those in public office . . .
ALL: Almighty God, direct the minds and hearts of our leaders that they may work for true peace and freedom for all.
- Let us pray for those who are suffering: the sick, hungry, homeless, prisoners, the dying, victims of violence and war. . .
ALL: Almighty God, give comfort, strength, healing to all who are experiencing pain and suffering.
Adoration of the Cross
Leader walks to table and picks up cross holding it high. As he/she holds cross,
SAY: Behold the wood of the cross, on which hung the salvation of the world.
ALL: Come let us adore.
Leader than passes cross to each person to be venerated: kissed or bowed before.
When all have finished venerating the cross, pray the Our Father together.
Holy Thursday, April 1
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Create prayer space: table with cloth, flowers, candle, Bible open to John 13: 1-15.
Decide on readers. Who will be narrator, Peter, and Jesus for the reading of the Gospel.
Opening Prayer:
Loving Father, on the night before Your Son died, He showed us how to gather together for a special meal and how to make sacrifices for others, big and small. Help us to love others as Jesus taught us to love. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Gospel Reading from John 13: 1-17
Narrator: It was before Passover, and Jesus knew that the time had come for Him to leave this world and to return to the Father. He had always loved His followers in this world, and He loved them to the very end. During the meal Jesus got up, removed his outer garment, and wrapped a towel around his waist. He put some water into a large bowl. Then He began washing His disciples’ feet and drying them with the towel He was wearing. But when He came to Simon Peter, that disciple asked,
Peter: Lord, are You going to wash my feet?
Jesus: You don’t really know what I am doing, but later you will understand.
Peter: You will never wash my feet.
Jesus: If I don’t wash you, you don’t really belong to Me.
Peter: Lord, don’t wash just my feet. Wash my hands and my head.
Jesus: People who have bathed and are clean all over need to wash just their feet. And you, my disciples, are clean, except for one of you.
Narrator: Jesus knew who would betray Him. That is why He said, “except for one of you.” After Jesus had washed his disciples’ feet and had put His outer garment back on, He sat down again. Then He said:
Jesus: Do you understand what I have done? You call me your teacher and Lord, and you should, because that is who I am. And if your Lord and teacher has washed your feet, you should do the same for each other. I have set the example, and you should do for each other exactly what I have done for you.
Spend a few quiet moments thinking about what you just heard.
Then share:
How have you shared love and goodness with others this Lent? Share with one another
Closing Prayer:
Jesus after You washed the disciples’ feet you gave your disciples the promise to remain with them and us. You took bread and wine and said “This is My body, This is My blood”. Do this in memory of Me. We thank You for the gift of Eucharist in which you continue to come to us.
Response: Jesus, bring us close to You.
Jesus, we are gathered here in love and care for one another. Teach us how to serve one another as You served your disciples.
Response: Jesus, bring us close to You.
Jesus You told Your disciples to continue to celebrate this special night with all people.
Our priests continue to give their lives in service to You and us. Bless them with strength, joy, peace as they bring You to us.
Response: Jesus, bring us close to You.
Jesus so many people are suffering in our world today. Be close to them with Your love, Your healing, Your care. Help us to keep reaching out to all who need our love, our care. Gift us with great generosity.
Response: Jesus, bring us close to You.
Pray the Our Father.
Palm (Passion) Sunday
Parent/Teacher: Jesus, we sing Hosanna to You today. Though You rode on a donkey and were humble and poor, we know You are our King. Thank You for showing us that a king can be kind and gentle. Thank You for teaching us that a great person does not have to be rich. You are King of all people everywhere. Help us to praise You everyday of the year! Amen. Reader: Jesus said to two of His disciples: “Go into the village and you will find a colt. Bring it to Me.” They found the colt and put their coats across its back. They brought it to Jesus. Jesus sat on the colt and rode into Jerusalem. Many people spread out their coats and palm branches on the road in front of Him. The people sang out: “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!” ALL: Blessed is Jesus. Reader: Gates, lift high your heads; grow higher, ancient doors ALL: Blessed is Jesus. Reader: Who is this king of glory? He the Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory. ALL: Blessed is Jesus. Reader: Blessed are You, who have come in Your abundant mercy. ALL: Blessed is Jesus. For the second reading, have a crucifix in sight with candles on either side of it. (Have it on a special table with a cloth and some greens) At noon darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon. And at three o’clock Jesus cried out in a loud voice: “My God, my God, why have You forsaken Me? Jesus gave a loud cry and breathed His last. If possible, kneel for a few silent moments. In silence, hear Jesus call you by name and say to you “I love you.” Pray “Jesus, I love You.’ Think of and name some of the people who are experiencing suffering in our world today Name individuals or groups. Ask God to comfort and heal them. Dearest God, through Jesus You show us that to love You we must be humble, as He was, and put up with tough times. When we are proud of what we have done, may we thank You for Your gifts to us. When we are tempted not to follow Jesus, may we pray to You to be strong. through Jesus, Your Son, who lives with You, forever and ever. Amen. You will be able to get palms at Church. You might want to form your Palm into a cross, tie a red ribbon around it, and put it on you front door.Click here to show/hide Palm Sunday activity
Opening Prayer:
Video for Grades 4-8:
Video for primary grades:
Gospel Story: Mark 11: 1-10
Let Him enter, the king of glory!Second Gospel Story: Mark 14–15
Closing Prayer:
Pray together:
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Parent/Teacher In today’s Gospel, some Greeks came to Philip and said: “Sir, we would like to see Jesus.” Later in the Gospel, Jesus says: “I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit.” Here is a story about a soldier who let go of something to be like Jesus. (Read by parent, teacher) An orphan boy was living in Paris at the end of World War II. All alone, he had to scrounge around the city as best he could to find food, clothes and shelter. Most everyone was experiencing desperation. Years before, he had heard someone talk about God and even Jesus. But with the hell on earth that the war had brought into his life, he had long since lost what little faith he had. One cold morning, he stopped outside the window of a small bakery. HIs stomach ached from the smell of the fresh bread. He was so absorbed in the moment outside the bakery window that he didn’t realize an American soldier had come up and was watching him. He hardly noticed it when the soldier walked past him into the store. He did, however, notice the large bag the baker was filling for the soldier with rolls, breads and pastries. And the boy could hardly breathe when the soldier exited the shop, knelt down and handed him the bag. He looked at the soldier with astonishment and gratefulness. Finally, he asked the question that was running through his mind: “Mister, are you Jesus?” (Story by; Fr. Thomas J. Connery) The soldier had to let go of something in order to be like Jesus to the boy in this story. Sometimes to be like Jesus, we too, have to let go of something . . .like the grain of wheat falling to the ground and dying. Psalm 51: (choose a reader for each verse) All: Response: Your Love and promises are true, O God. All: Response: Your Love and promises are true, O God. All: Response: Your Love and promises are true, O God. All: Response: Your Love and promises are true, O God. Create a list, for example: I say no to ___________________________ Share some things from the past week for which you thank God. Share some intentions you want to ask God’s help with. Pray Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.Click here to show/hide Fifth Sunday activity
Responsorial Psalm
Because Your Love is so tender and kind, wipe out my lawless acts.
Make me kind and loving.
You teach me wisdom deep down inside me.
Give me a new spirit that is faithful to You.Journaling Activity:
My Life List:
so I can say yes to ___________________Closing Prayer:
Fourth Sunday of Lent
This Sunday is sometimes called “Laetare” Sunday which means “Rejoice, be joyful”. We are now more than halfway through Lent. Easter is on the horizon. It is time to think about how our Lent is going. What do you want to continue doing? Is there anything you want to change? Bare feet running joyfully across soft green grass with sun shining down upon our shoulders! Read above verses slowly and have all listen. Read a second time and have each student/family member share a word or phrase from the above lines. (read by parent/teacher) O Loving God, enlighten our minds and illuminate our hearts with the splendor of your grace, Let us pray for healing this week for all who are suffering in any way in our families, among our friends, in our country, in our world. Let us ask Jesus to renew joy in their lives. We pray for: You could write these intentions down and place them in your prayer space for the rest of Lent. Pray Our Father for all these people.Click here to show/hide Fourth Sunday activity
Our foot symbol this week:
Some special verses from this week’s readings:
Continue to bless us as we walk this Lenten journey. Help us to keep living within Your Love.
We offer this prayer through Jesus and in Your Loving Spirit. Amen.
Third Sunday of Lent March 7, 2021
Parent/Teacher: God of mercy and all goodness, You make us Your children in the waters of Baptism. Bless us as we continue to journey towards Easter and the renewal of our Baptismal promises. We ask this in Jesus’ name and Your Loving Spirit. Amen. Reader: Jesus went to the temple in Jerusalem. He saw people in the temple selling cattle and sheep and pigeons. Others were changing money for people. Jesus was angry because people were using God’s temple like a marketplace. He made a long whip and chased the cattle and sheep out of the temple. He knocked over the money tables, tossing coins on the ground. He told the people to stop using God’s temple like a marketplace. Parent/Teacher Jesus reminds the people of His time that God’s Temple is a holy, special place. What are some holy places, times you can think of? How do you act, what do you do in these places, times? What are ways you show reverence and gratitude? The symbol this week is sandals. Like this little boy, Jesus probably wore sandals. In the Gospel reading, Jesus is upset because people aren’t being respectful in His Father’s house. Jesus smiles upon us when we pay attention to the poor and hungry in our midst. He wants all people to have what they need. He asks us to care for people in need in our world. We are going to watch a story about a girl named Malala who was full of zeal for the poor. The story is written by Malala What do you think about this girl who used her voice to help others? What are some of the things around us that we may be called to help change by our love and care this Lent? Children can read intercessions: Jesus, show us how to reach out in love and care to one another. Answer our prayers for those who are suffering today. Jesus, hear our prayer. For children throughout our world who are in need of love and care, we pray: Jesus, hear our prayer. For prisoners that they may know God’s love for them, we pray: Jesus, hear our prayer. For our family what we will find some special ways to share God’s gifts with the poor and vulnerable, we pray: Jesus, hear our prayer. For Malala and all who use their voice to make a difference in our world, we pray: Jesus, hear our prayer. For healing and peace for all in our global community, we pray: Jesus, hear our prayer. For the speedy delivery of the co-vid vaccine to all who have not yet received it and for strength for all who are working to deliver it, we pray: Jesus, hear our prayer. personal intentions and Our Father.Click here to show/hide Third Sunday activity
Opening Prayer
Gospel Reading: adapted from John 2: 13-16
Second Sunday of Lent: February 28, 2021
Parent: Loving God, today You remind us that Jesus is Your Beloved Son and that we need to listen to Him. Open our ears and hearts to hear His message and bring His Love, Light, and Peace to one another. Amen. Reader: Jesus took Peter, James, and John up on a high mountain. While they were there a change came over Jesus. And as they were watching Him His clothes became a dazzling white. They heard a voice from the cloud saying, “This is my Son. Listen to Him.” Peter, James, and John wanted to stay there, but Jesus said they must go down the mountain. He told them to not tell anyone about this until He rose from the dead. They wondered what Jesus meant. Parent Leader: Our symbol this week is hiking boots. So what do you think? What is this passage describing to us? Why do you think I chose hiking boots to go with this Gospel story? Do you have a favorite place of majestic wonder that reminds you of how amazing God is? I am going to share with you some pictures of what I think are amazing examples of God’s wonder in the world. (Share some pictures from a book, magazine, or online.) Children can read intercessions: Jesus, we thank You for the beauty in our world that reminds us of God’s presence and great Love for us. Hear and answer the prayers we bring to You this day: Jesus, hear our prayer. For children throughout our world, that they may feel safe, secure, and loved, we pray: Jesus, hear our prayer. For those in prison that the love of Christ and the mercy of God will free them to live in joy and peace, we pray: Jesus, hear our prayer. For our family that we will find some special ways to share God’s gifts with the poor and vulnerable, we pray: Jesus, hear our prayer. For open ears and an open heart, that we may hear God’s word and allow it to change us, we pray: Jesus, hear our prayer. For healing and peace for all in our global community, we pray: Jesus, hear our prayer. Jesus, we know You make all things work together for our good. We trust You and thank You. Amen.Click here to show/hide Second Sunday prayer activity
Opening Prayer
Gospel Reading: adapted from Mark 9: 2-10
I chose hiking boots because, of course, Jesus and the disciples were up on a mountain when they were given this beautiful glimpse of Jesus’ power and glory. I think we all get a glimpse of this glory when we stop to pay attention to the beauty around us or go even further to seek out the glory, like on a trip to Mount Hood.
First Sunday of Lent: February 21, 2021
Parent: Loving God, as we pray in every Our Father and every Mass, we ask You to deliver us from every evil and grant us peace. Free us from sin and all that makes us anxious. Help us to grow in awareness of the Risen Jesus among us and to offer His peace to one another. Amen. Parent Leader: Do you ever walk through mud or snow or wet sand then look back to see the footprints you left behind? If yes, what do you like about doing that? I like the shapes my shoes and feet make. I like my bare footprints in the sand, the patterns of my snow boots on the snow. And when I move from mud to concrete, I like to see how long I can walk on the sidewalk and still see my footprints before the mud wears off my boots or shoes! So, what do footprints have to do with Lent? We are going to be exploring together the season of Lent. Lent is our time as a Church community to prepare for Easter, a time to remember who we are called to be as God’s children. This session is called “Step It Up” as we are going to make some connections between footprints and footwear and the challenges that Jesus calls us to live out each week of Lent. So, let’s step it up! Alone But Not Lonely: First Sunday of Lent (from The Pastoral Center, Alameda CA) Reader: After Jesus’ Baptism the Holy Spirit sent Jesus into the desert. Jesus stayed there for 40 days. He was tempted to do what was wrong, but said no 3 times. Then angels came to care for Him. Jesus came to Galilee after His time in the desert and began to tell people about God’s Love for them and that they should turn to God and be sorry for their sins. After you have read the passage, ask them: Parent Leader: This passage tells us that Jesus went into the desert to pray alone for 40 days. What do you think this reading is calling us to do? Be? Are we supposed to go into a desert for 40 days? Why do you think I chose slippers as a tool to help us remember this passage? I chose slippers for this week’s “shoe” because slippers remind me about being alone. I come home from work, slip on my slippers, and sit in my favorite chair by myself for a few minutes before my family catches up to me. Slippers are safe and comfortable and cozy. That is like when we take time to pray with God – God is always a safe place for us, God always loves us and wraps his love around us, God is always there in our aloneness. To remind ourselves to take these moments to pray, we are going to either tie a small cross onto our shoe, or we are going to keep the cross in our pocket to remind us to take a few minutes each day to pray and be alone in our slippers with God! Pass out a small cross to each child and help those who want to fasten it to through their shoelaces. Provide others with cord to wear it as a necklace if that is what they prefer, or have them simply place it in their pocket. Parent: Closing Prayer: Jesus, as we begin this Lenten Season, help us to remember our baptismal yes to live Your Gospel of Love. Hear and answer the prayers we bring to You this day. Children could read intercessions Jesus, hear our prayer For our Parish Community that God will help us to remember God’s Love for us in Jesus and inspire us to reach out in generous love to those in need, we pray, Jesus, hear our prayer. For healing of all who have co-vid, we pray, Jesus, hear our prayer. For comfort for those who have lost loved ones during the pandemic, we pray, Jesus, hear our prayer. For peace in our country and world, we pray, Jesus, hear our prayer. Jesus, hear our prayer. All: Closing Prayer: Our FatherClick here to show/hide First Sunday prayer activity
Opening Prayer:
Introduction Step It Up, a way for walking to Easter
Symbol: Slippers, perhaps with a footprint they have made in picture form or one taken directly from the slipper onto white paper. Read to the participants the Gospel passage for the First Sunday: Mark 1:12-13. Before reading it, tell them that you are going to be asking them after the reading is done to make a connection between the slippers and what the passage is challenging us to be and do.
Gospel Reading:
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