Upload your photo for our parish database

Think of our 800 or so families in the parish. How many do you know? Now, imagine being Fr. Mike…trying to memorize all those names and faces! Let’s help them out!

If you did not participate in our Parish Directory project two years ago, or are new to the parish, please upload a nice family photo to our private server account. your photo will be used only for internal Parish use, and will not be published or distributed in any way without your permission.

Questions? Send an email to matters@themadeleine.edu

Celebrate Mothers & Children

Each year we request photos for our annual Mother & Child slideshow video at Mass. This year, we are starting over, so if you want to submit a photo, please do so. We will not be using any videos from past years.  Click here to upload

The Madeleine in Service photos for the Christmas Bulletin

Ministry leads, teachers, or anyone who has a great photo of The Madeleine in service, please send us your photos so we can highlight The Madeleine in our Christmas bulletin! It’s easy! UPloads for 2023 will begin in November

Other photo upload opportunities

  • Pet Photos for Feast of St. Francis. Photos will be displayed at Masses surrounding the Feast of St. Francis. Uploads for 2023 will begin in September. www.themadeleine.edu/pets