Commitment to racial justice

Fr. Mike reminds us that every person is created in the image of God and deserves dignity and respect. This is a non-negotiable. There is no place for racism. In their Pastoral Letter, Open Wide Our Hearts: An enduring Call to Love, the USCCB writes,

“Racism arises when—either consciously or unconsciously—a person holds that his or her own race or ethnicity is superior, and therefore judges persons of other races or ethnicities as inferior and unworthy of equal regard. When this conviction or attitude leads individuals or groups to exclude, ridicule, mistreat, or unjustly discriminate against persons on the basis of their race or ethnicity, it is sinful. Racist acts are sinful because they violate justice. They reveal a failure to acknowledge the human dignity of the persons offended, to recognize them as the neighbors Christ calls us to love (Matthew 22:39)”


Racial Justice Stations of the Cross

On October 23, 6:30 pm, we held a special Stations of the Cross for Racial Justice. Click below to watch the event

Fr. Mike video: No room for racism in the human species


The Madeleine Prayer Service for Racial Justice

June 10, 2020


Racial Justice Resources & links from USCCB