Outreach to the homebound in our community

The Homebound Ministry of the Madeleine strives to maintain a special connection with parishioners who are either temporarily or permanently unable to attend Mass and receive the Eucharist with the parish community. The parishioners in this ministry provide the Holy Eucharist, normally when requested, share parish news, the Pastor’s homilies and the gospel with the homebound. Visits are prearranged between the parishioner and the Homebound Minister. During this very unusual time with Covid-19 we have not been unable to provide the Holy Eucharist and/or home visits to our parish homebound.

If you are in need of this ministry or know of a parishioner who is in need please let us know and arrangements will be made for a phone call, note or other support in a socially distanced and protected protocol until a time when it is safe to come together once again.

Please remember If a parishioner desires The Anointing of the Sick, Confession or the Eucharist to contact the parish office and Father Mike will be notified.

Please give the parish office a call for more information at 503-281-5777 or by email to homebound@themadeleine.edu.

The Homebound Ministry is available to all parishioners in need of support.